30 Fun Things what to do when your bored || Based on Your Aesthetic!

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We surely are stuck in a hectic routine with our education and job every day. But what to do when your bored, every now and then, during the hectic routine that we repeat everyday people get bored. It is very natural to happen irrespective of what type of person you are. Sometimes you even run out of ideas to try out the things. So, what are the things to do when bored? Don’t worry, I got you!

In this article, I will be telling you about some of the most interesting things that you can try out. And the thing part about it? They will be based on your personality and your own aesthetic. These are the things that you will actually enjoy doing in the abyss of boredom.

Things You Can Try To Relax Yourself – what to do when your bored:

Life can be hard but even when you’ve nothing to do, it doesn’t feel much relaxing. There’s this desire to do something for yourself that will help in calming your soul down. Well what to do when your bored, these things will help you in doing exactly that. So, let’s start with the first part of our list:

  • Self Care Day:

The most relaxing and easy thing to do for yourself is to pamper yourself. Everyone needs a glow-up after some time. For a change, give some time to yourself. There is an infinite list of the things that you can do for your self-care day. For starters:

  • Manicure & Pedicure:

Give yourself a manicure and a pedicure. Try out new nail colors. This will help you in relaxing yourself. Soft, clean hands and feet feel absolutely ecstatic.

  • A Warm Bubble Bath:

A nice warm bubble bath will do the job. Just lie down and enjoy the bath with some light music in the background. Reminisce about some good memories. This is the most relaxing thing one can do.

  • Try New Face Masks:

Face masks are always a good go-to plan. You can try out some DIYs or some sheet masks. They are cheap and they give you an instant glow. This will help you in keeping your skin healthy. Honestly, good skin does feel like a good life.

  • De-Clutter Your Room:

Try cleaning your room. Most people do not think it’s a part of a self-care routine. But, trust me; if you have a clean well-organized room then half of your problems will automatically evaporate. De-clutter your closet. Try the Marie Kondo magic with your closet. If you don’t know about it then you need to look it up on the web.

  • Yoga & Fitness:

Try doing some Yoga. Well, of course, you can’t be a pro at your first attempt. But, it really helps sometimes, especially when you have a little too much going on in your life. There are so many tutorials present for beginners on the internet. It can be a little funny but you are not a pro. So, who cares? Go with the flow.

  • Be Creative:

Art doesn’t always mean to pick up some brushes and become Da Vinci. There are so many things that you can try out if you want to be a little artistic. Art can be anything. It can be your life, catharsis or just a smudgy creature that you made when you were bored.

  • Paint Something Random:

Let’s start with your basic idea of art. Painting! Draw something you want to. Or something that inspires you. While trying to make it look or even just to complete it, you will not notice how fast the time actually flew. Who knows what masterpiece you might create out of your boredom?

  • Let Your Inner Photographer Shine:

Lights! Camera! Action! Okay well not to be dramatic but you can pick up your camera or your mobile phone to do some photography. There is so much beauty hidden just in one room to capture. All you need to do is to find a good angle and that’s it.

  • Dancing Like There’s No Tomorrow:

Blast your favorite jams and just dance along. It is as joyous as crazy it sounds. It will not only help you in distracting yourself from your routine but it will also help you in living in the moment. You can also learn some new types of dance. There are so many tutorials available for beginners on the internet. These tutorials will keep you so distracted that you will forget that you were ever bored.

  • Write Your Heart Out:

Write something out. You don’t have to be a Milton or a Shakespeare for doing so. We always have so much going on with us all the time. Writing something about it will actually feel therapeutic. Write a poem or if you are a journal person then just try doing that what to do when your bored.

  • Read a New Book:

You can also read a book. There is such a vast collection of books. Let it be fictional, non-fictional, autobiographical or historical. There is such a vast ocean that you can surf in. One book or another will catch your attention.  If you are new to reading fictional books or other books then there are so many people out there to help you out. When you are new at something, you mostly don’t know what you are exactly looking for. Many book bloggers will help you in finding out where your interests actually are. You can find many books just by exploring book bloggers.

Things You Can Try to Entertain Yourself:

There are so many things to do when you bored related to media that you can try. Once the list starts it feels like it can never end. So let’s start enlisting some fun activities you can do when you are bored.

  • Netflix & Chill:

The most popular activity that you can do is watching Netflix. Netflix and chill have surely become a lifestyle by now. You can’t deny the fact that the hype is real. There are so many TV series and so many movies available that you can try. Irrespective of what your favorite genre is, Netflix takes good care of you. There’s no bigger pleasure than the pleasure of being tucked in your blanket and watching Netflix.

  • Funny Youtube Videos:

Another entertaining way to spend your time is by watching Youtube videos. There are several vloggers that you can try. Watching Youtube videos is more of an addiction. It can be entertaining as well as informative. So, do whatever sparks joy in you. If you are interested in beauty and skincare then there are many videos regarding that. If you are looking for a documentary or just some funny prank calls and videos then Youtube has got your back.

  • Listen to a Podcast:

Listening to Podcasts might help you too. There are plenty of interesting podcasts available on the internet.  You can also try listening to podcasts while doing something else. In this way, you will not have a chance to get bored.

  • Shop Online:

A rather new thing that actually worked so many times for me was shopping online. Even if you don’t actually buy anything from the online stores, you can just sit in your room and go through the shops from all around the world. This will help you in exploring the latest trends all around the world. You can keep tabs on how you want yourself to look like. Even if you choose to buy something, it is a win-win situation.

  • Play a New Videogame:

Play a Videogame. You can invite some friends over too and have a small league of your own. Videogames are always a good option when it comes to killing time. There are so many mobile games available these days even if you are not a gamer; you can try any trending mobile game.

  • Try Reading a Magazine:

Read a magazine. Magazines are the best way to kill your time. Sometimes even after having access to the internet, you can’t find anything worth watching. Magazine gives you a confined list of several things. At least one of them will strike your attention. Even if you don’t have a magazine available at the moment, you can download them. There are various e-magazines with good content available. Explore them and enjoy your life. Magazines have been a source of entertainment for many years and I guess they always will be.

Things You Can try if You’re an Adventurous Soul:

Till now we were mostly talking about the activities that you can do yourself. Now let’s talk about the things that you can do with your friends or just out of your room. There is a huge world out there and you need to explore it. Meet new people, try new activities. Discover the part of yourself that you don’t know you have. Now let’s take a look at all the adventurous things you can do!

  • Plan a Picnic:

This plan depends on your friends. If you can invite them over to a cute place then you have a good activity to kill time. Honestly, this will lead you to make so many more memories. You can take cute Polaroid of each other and the day will be saved.

  • Make a V-log:

Here is an activity for which you will not have to depend on anyone. Just you, your camera and a little stash of confidence will do the job. There are so many things that you can make a vlog about. Don’t hesitate while doing that because one thing you always need to remember is that no one succeeds in their first attempt.

  • Start Your Own Instagram Page:

Follow your heart and choose something you are good at. It can be cooking, singing, dancing, talking or anything that you are good at. Make a public profile and start working on it. It might take you some while to gain an audience but if you find it interesting then it will help you a lot.

You can also make an Instagram page for your pet. There are so many people out there who love watching different pet videos and photos. This will help you in growing your relationship with your pet too.

  • Plan a Party:

If you are a social person then this must be an easy thing for you to manage. Send some invitations out and just plan a gathering of the people you cherish with. You can also go to any party taking place nearby if you are not I a place to plan in.

  • Do a Photoshoot:

This activity will keep you engaged in it for hours. You will undoubtedly enjoy every part of it. You can plan a photography day with a friend or just alone too. Choose a location, choose your aesthetic, and choose what you want and then start being creative. Taking photos and trying new angles does take some time and this will help you out in getting rid of the boredom.

  • Editing Photos:

Another thing related to photos that you should try is editing photos. It might sound very technical and boring. But, trust me it is one of my favorite things to do. Choose some random photos or any old photo and try editing it. You might create a mess at your first attempt but it gets better. This activity has kept me far away from boredom sine months. There are several free editing apps available that you can try.

  • Try a New Cuisine:

Our daily food routine might also make us feel bored sometimes. To get rid of your boring food habits and your boredom, you need to try new cuisine. With time, there are so many restaurants opening every day based on different cuisines. Try new dishes, explore new cultures and this will make the world a better place for you.

  • Try New Sports:

There are so many things that we do in this life yet there are several things we still have unexplored. That’s just how life is. But, choosing not to explore it is a mistake. So, you need to try the sports that you always felt like you can try but never had the time to.

Random Things to Do When Bored:

If you don’t want to do anything too serious then you can try some silly random things to do when bored. There are so many things that we keep avoiding in our daily life. If you want to be productive during your free time then here are some of the things you can do:

  • Check Your E-mail:

This might be a difficult task. Keeping a check on your emails really helps when you are not an active person. Cleaning your mails once in a while is important. Otherwise, some of your important mails might never get to you because of all the unopened clutter.


You can make an official email address for your education or work-related important matters. By doing so, you won’t lose any important email.

  • Catch up with an Old Friend:

Due to the busy lives that we are living in, we might lose track of time sometimes. This makes us forget some of the most important people in our lives. On a boring day, you can plan a meet-up with one of your old pals. You can reminisce about your sweet old memories and enjoy your time. Or you can also fool around and prank call your friends! This will definitely keep you entertained the whole afternoon.

  • Start a Garden:

Gardening is one easy hobby that grows on you with time. It is never too late to start a small garden of yourself with some home plants. You can do research on what type of plants will suit your lifestyle more. Buy those plants and set them at your home. This will also help you in decorating your home.

  • Clean Your Phone:

In this e-life that we are living, we download so many unwanted things on our phones every day. It only creates a mess in our phones. To avoid that it is good if you keep de-cluttering your phone whenever you feel bored. You might go through some funny memes and other related things too that will cheer you up.

  • Do Grocery Shopping:

Even if you are just a teen and this isn’t really your job but it is always fun to try such things out. Grocery shopping can be fun when it is done with the right person. On a boring day, you can make a list of the things that you need to buy, call a friend to come over and then go conquer the grocery store.

Thus, boredom is just a myth. There are a million things to try in such moments and million people to reconnect to in such times. The world is full of choices; you just need t figure out what you want to choose for yourself. I hope that till this point you’ve found some things that you can try yourself when you get bored.  what to do when your bored? This question is answered by try these things out and don’t forget to share your experiences with us.

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