Techniques Help You Create a Great Travel Video

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Are you an avid traveler and love to film the different experiences you come across? Or are you related to the travel and tourism business and need to publish exciting videos now and then to keep your followers informed and engaged? Whatever is the requirement, knowledge about the different cuts will help you create the most impressive and compact travel video to fulfill your purpose. 

It is important to know the different cuts and how to use them to bring out the essence of the travel videos without distorting the background and feel. Otherwise, you may lose track as a whole. Knowing which cut to use for which kind of travel video is essential. Here, we shall try to understand the different cut techniques that can help you create great travel videos and use them.

You need the right understanding to achieve the set target. These are the five essential cut techniques that you need a proper understanding of to give your travel videos that extra dose of fun and excitement. Putting the cuts properly, even when you are using a video trimmer, will help the video gain quality and hold on to the attention and interest of the viewers.

Standard Cut or Hard Cut 

This is a very basic way to cut your travel videos. In this technique, cutting is done without any transition from one clip to another. This means that the cut is made so that the end of a video is directly added to the beginning of the following clip without any special visual effect.

The cut is very evident but also seamless. This technique is best used within the scene and not to switch between scenes. This is because of the nature of the cuts, which are straight and hard. The viewers will not have time to acclimate to the changes between the two clips. 

Thus, if you want to create a stunning travel video with this cut, you must be clear in your head on how to use it and in which part. You can use it to put cuts in one particular scene to enable the viewers to enjoy it from different perspectives. And if you wish to use it in changing scene, don’t forget to make sure that the first video end with a clear indication of the change of scene in the following scene.

Jump Cut 

As the name suggests, you can jump forward in time in this cut by breaking the single continuous shot on a particular subject into two parts. While watching the videos with this cut, the viewers will have the clear illusion of jumping forward in time from one sequence to another. The transition is very smooth when multiple cameras are used. 

The jump is not jarring enough for the audience but keeps them connected. But this is a very tricky cut to add your creativity to your travel videos. Since there is a jump from one part of the selected video to another, it may appear disjointed. But this cut is great when your video demands a leap forward to indicate time passing or covering a certain distance.

L-Cut and J-Cut

These are two different cuts that you can use to create gripping travel videos. These two cuts are opposite to each other. When you use L-Cut, the audio from the first clip keeps on playing even after the second clip starts to play. 

In the J-Cut, the audio of the second clip starts to play while the video of the first clip is still playing, and slowly the video switches to the second clip. These cuts are best to use when your travel video involves conversation, as the essence is maintained while the clips change without interrupting the setting at all.

Cut on Action 

This is the best-suited cut for your travel videos. In this cutting technique, the cut is inserted most seamlessly, and the viewers do not feel a drastic or sudden change in the situation or flow of the event. As the name suggests, the cut is made so that there is a continuation of action between the first and the second clip. Like, the action in which the first clip ends, the second clip will begin with the same action. 

This is why the ones watching the video will not likely notice the cut and stay focused on the action, which will bring on the smooth transition between the two clips. So, unlike the hard cut, which is very evident and abrupt, this cut will help you shift between perspectives in the travel videos without causing any synchronization disturbance. 

So, when you are making your travel videos, capturing the various aesthetic moments in the reels, and want to share every important detail with the viewers, make use of this cut to maintain the flow and essence.


In this cutting technique, many clips are cut in succession together, and it is best to indicate and uphold to pass the time and distance in a travel video. Remember that while using this cutting method for your travel videos, the pacing of the decided cuts is very important. The span of playing each clip before it shifts to the next one is very important to create the right impact and deliver what is intended. 

When your travel video consists of a series of events during your traveling phase, using this cut will give brilliant results. The audience enjoys all without missing anything important while not wasting any time or experiencing uncomfortable and unrelated changes in the video.


Thus, it is clear from the above discussion that you need a deep understanding of the different cutting techniques to ensure that you create what you wish to. Study the nature of the clips and then select the cut accordingly. The clips you want to include in the travel video play a crucial role in determining the cut you will use. So, make use of these fantastic cutting techniques to make your travel video interesting and appealing.

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