Online Studying Opportunities for Medical Careers

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Online Studying Opportunities for Medical Careers

When asked what they want to be when they grow up, lots of children regurgitate the same job roles over and over again – a singer/actor, a vet, a sports star, a doctor, a racing car driver. It’s cute to see children state their aspirations and have complete faith in their ability to achieve such aspirations,

but we often forget how limiting these aspirations can be as, children (and, ultimately, teens making career-based life decisions) have little knowledge regarding the different options that are available to them within various career paths. An example of this is the prevalence of ‘doctor’ or ‘nurse’ in children’s answers when they discuss potential healthcare careers.

However, as society has expanded and new policies, laws, and systems have been put in place to match up with the evolution of technology and abundance of knowledge, there has been a substantial increase in the different types of careers that exist within healthcare community.

Until you do some in-depth research on the matter, though, it’s unlikely that you’ll be aware of all the avenues available to you; in fact, you could hazard a guess at there is a distinct possibility that the vast majority of people consider nurses and doctors as the only viable career paths within medicine, believing that years of training are required to access them.

For those who are curious about the different types of careers available to them within the medical community, we have collated a variety of options that you can peruse to see if you can identify the one for you – you never know, we might surprise you with an option you hadn’t previously considered!

Nursing Opportunities

For those who want to look into the various options that exist within nursing, you’re in luck – many reputable institutions offer a variety of online programs – including doctorates and masters’ degrees – that will help you to specialize in the area of nursing you desire. The beauty of such programs is that you can achieve your accreditation via online learning, with a key focus on evidence-based practices and all coursework being completely online-based. At institutions such as Marymount University, the learning process can take two years, meaning you can learn part-time, fitting your studies around your current job, thus enabling you to continue learning while still earning.

Not only do you get to do most of your theoretical learning online, but you also have the opportunity to take part in the clinical placements offered to you, helping you to gain real-life experience that’s required for success in such a career.

Counseling and Psychology

With a huge focus now upon mental health issues and wellness, there are huge opportunities available for different careers within the remit of psychology and counseling services. While some of these will require a base knowledge in psychology, there are certain programs available that offer a base course to provide an overall understanding that will enable you to start at the same level as others.

If you’ve ever fancied deep-diving into the clinical psychology of others or helping to support people through trauma and grief, in addition to other mental health concerns/conditions, then you might want to start looking into healthcare degrees focused around psychology or counseling.

Emergency Response – 911 Dispatch

If you’ve got a calm demeanor, friendly-sounding voice, are quick-thinking, empathetic, and have a good recall memory when it comes to details, then the likelihood is that you would do well as a 911 dispatch responder.

The role of answering 911 calls is often overlooked or not deemed as important as other positions within healthcare, but as the first response in most emergency situations, it’s a vital job that requires a variety of skills and training to be effective – after all, you’re dealing with people in some of their most terrifying, vulnerable moments and trying to extract crucial information from them in order to potentially save a life or lives.

This sort of position, while not being directly involved in healthcare, is an offshoot that nevertheless requires some medical knowledge and terminology in order to offer advice and determine how severe an incident is.

Working from Home

From medical writer, telephone triage nurse, and healthcare recruiter to IT/nursing informatics specialist and legal nurse consultant, there are lots of different ways you can work within healthcare and yet maintain a position that fits around your life and responsibilities. Numerous courses exist online which can provide you with the training required to access such careers, meaning that you can play to your strengths without having to make sacrifices in your home life!

Medical Assistant

As a medical assistant, you would often be the first person that a patient comes into contact with, recording their medical history, reading their vital signs, assisting physicians, and scheduling appointments, meaning that this position – while not necessarily in the thick of it, as such – is both rewarding and beneficial to patients. You would be their first interaction and can help to build a rapport that makes the entire process much easier and more comfortable for the patient.

Online courses for this sort of position will feature classes relating to biology, chemistry, and anatomy while helping you to build your knowledge of medical understanding. Of course, you will eventually be required to perform practical assessments further down the line, but your initial learning would take place entirely via the internet.


There are various types of technician and technologist roles available within healthcare, including radiology, dialysis, radiation, and cardiovascular, each of which is just as interesting as the other – and which require particularly specialist knowledge. Heavily application-based, these sorts of positions require limited interaction with patients and more of a focus on images, data, and diagnostic testing, and would suit those who consider themselves more logical and regimental.

There are lots of online learning opportunities for you to choose from, but the vast majority of those available require you to spend over two years acquiring the knowledge required. So, if you go via this route, be prepared to dedicate yourself to the time you will need to train and obtain your degree.

There are various other avenues that you can venture down if you want to obtain an online degree within healthcare, including courses for phlebotomy (extracting blood for analysis and maintaining records), becoming a pharmacy technician, training with medical records, and becoming a surgical technologist, to name but a few. Whichever you choose will be down to personal preference and skills, but you can be assured that, if you want to work within healthcare, there’s an ideal route for you to take and enjoy! So, what are you waiting for?

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