How nurses are crucial in caring for patients with chronic conditions

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Patients with chronic conditions are especially vulnerable and in need of support in all aspects of their care. The physical and emotional needs of a chronic patient must be taken into consideration with every step of a treatment plan, and other factors such as support systems and availability of resources must be assessed. Nurses have an enormous responsibility in the care of patients with chronic conditions because of how important it is that they follow the treatment plan set out for them. 

Other considerations required for the care of the patient include their physical and emotional status, educating and supporting them, creating a plan that caters to their individual needs, formulating a treatment plan according to their own wishes, and developing a plan for the administration of medications so that they stay on schedule and improve in health.

The patient’s physical and emotional status

The patient’s physical and emotional status when dealing with chronic conditions is important because it falls into the holistic care that nurses strive for when dealing with chronic patients. Nursing does not just involve administering to the ailment of the patient, but also the patient as a whole and understanding that other factors can affect the standard of care. A patient can respond poorly to treatment if their emotional or physical state is impaired in some way, so a nurse’s responsibility is to create the optimal atmosphere for the patient to improve and thrive. 

Appropriate treatment plans

Creating a treatment plan according to a chronic patient’s wishes ensures that their medical needs are met. It also allows the patient to feel more involved in their healthcare and to make decisions that will best meet their individual needs. This allows the nurse to create a plan that is tailored to the patient’s specific goals and lifestyle, thus increasing the likelihood of successful treatment outcomes.

Creating and administering an appropriate treatment plan according to the patient’s needs is one of the many facets of nursing that an individual will learn in the UIndy FNP program. Receiving a nurse practitioner degree from an accredited school such as the University of Indianapolis can offer opportunities for career advancement and an increase in responsibility and pay within a flexible online schedule.

Individualized needs

There is no ‘one size fits all’ treatment plan that nurses can give to chronic patients as everyone has their own levels of support and abilities. Understanding what a patient needs and the limitations of following a plan due to poor support systems are factors that must be considered before a patient is discharged with their treatment plan

Nurses are responsible for ensuring that patients with chronic conditions have a personalized treatment plan that revolves around their lives. Nurses must also arrange a schedule for follow-ups so that any changes in their condition or flaw in their plan can be detected early and taken care of. A nurse’s role in the care of chronic patients is crucial for those patients getting the care they need to get better.


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